Physical hex sets
A (physical) Hex set was marketed under that name by Parker Bros. starting in 1952. Today, hand-made Hex sets can be bought at Mattesmedjan in Sweden. You can also buy your set at HexBoard or a portable version from nestorgames. There is also a Hex set with french booklet sold by CIJM.
Here are some ideas on building a set:
- Miguel Garcia has build a nice set using steel nuts and ball-bearings;
- or you can use an erase board and magnets.
- Łukasz Rygało submited this board to BoardGameGeek.
- In the city of Alicante we have made this board with steel nuts and color-glass balls. We are looking for red and blue glass balls, though.
You can also print out the Printable_boards, in sizes up to 14x14.